We are very excited for our third season as IMPACT Youth Basketball League! IYBL is a regional, faith-based league with the ability to host participating churches from the regional area. For the initial season, Myers Park Presbyterian, Myers Park Baptist, Myers Park Methodist, and Providence United Methodist were able to field 111 teams in the new league. We hope to grow in more churches this year! Games will be hosted at Myers Park Presbyterian, Myers Park Baptist, and Providence United Methodist Church. IMPACT Youth Basketball wants to put the FUN back into youth sports. We want to be an alternative to the hyper-competitive, win-at-all-cost culture that is pervasive in a lot of youth sports leagues today. We believe the value we provide must go far beyond the sport itself. It must be about more than the rules of the game. About more than who plays what position and about more than the score. It is the mission of the IMPACT Youth Basketball League to provide and promote a recreational basketball program for youth that will encourage good sportsmanship, the development of strong playing skills, and the promotion of supportive, healthy relationships among the players, coaches, referees and parents.
Myers Park Presbyterian Church
Cornwell Center
Providence Methodist Church
Pritchard Memorial Baptist
Johnson and Wales University
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Carole Hoefener Center
Sharon Presbyterian Church Outreach Center
First Baptist Fit Club
Myers Park Methodist Church
1073 Providence Rd Charlotte, North Carolina 28207