Coach's Code of Ethics
1. Appeals to a referee should be calm, respectful, and presented in an orderly manner. How a coach respects and deals with an official sets the example for our players and parents.
2. All opponents should be respected. There is no place for derogatory or intimidating statements.
3. A coach's role with his players is one of encouragement and motivation. Players should not be berated, embarrassed, or dealt with sarcastically.
4. Being honest, upright, and fair removes the need to intimidate or manipulate referees, scorekeepers, or opponents.
5. A coach should exhibit no outward displays of emotion or anger at a bad play, a bad call, or a questionable play by an opponent.
6. A coach should not allow players to exhibit outward displays of emotion or anger at a bad play, a bad call, or questionable conduct by an opponent.
7. A coach should make sure all players and parents respect the church facility they are playing in. Remember you are a guest in the facility in which you are playing, even if it is at your own gym!
8. A coach should help each team member approach the game with an open and calm attitude towards a teammate, opponent, and even a referee.